Kids Poster Contest
13th Annual North Texas Power Stroke Rally at KOA, Caddo Mills, Texas
October 4 - 6, 2013
Poster Winner Could Be You! |
Your Name
Could Be Here |
Have A
Question About The Poster Contest? | |
Who can
participate in the Kids Poster
Contest? |
Any child between the ages of 5 and 15 years old that is onsite at the rally Saturday. |
Kids Poster Contest Categories |
Place |
2nd Place |
3rd Place |
Poster Contest Awards: |
The Winners of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Will Each Win A Special Medal That Is Engraved.
Rules: |
Each entry will receive a white poster board at the NTxPSA booth. The poster theme should be truck related in some shape or form. All Posters will need to be turned in at the NTxPSA booth no later than 2pm for judging. Judging Will Begin at 2:30pm and the Winners Will Be Announced at The Saturday Night Dinner - If You Need To Leave Before Then Please Notify Kevin Neal So That A Picture Can Be Taken With The Winner and Your Award for The NTxPSA Website. |
Frequently Asked Questions: |
Can I Enter
More Than One Entry Into The
Contest? NO |
This site is privately produced for promotion of a private event. The organizers
of this event are not professional promoters and are acting in a not for profit capacity. They have and
will continue to volunteer their time and efforts in a capacity that effectively promotes this or future rallies.
This site / event is in no way associated with, The International Truck and Engine Company,
The Ford Motor Company, and any Vendors and/or Manufacturers who have attended past events or will attend
future events.